Periodontal Maintenance
Periodontal maintenance is a procedure that is instituted following periodontal therapy
such as scaling and root planning (SRP). It continues at varying intervals: 2 months, 3
months, or every 4 months determined by the dentist. It includes removal of the
bacterial plaque and calculus from supragingival and subgingival regions like a dental
prophylaxis. It also includes site specific scaling and root planning where it is indicated,
and polishing the teeth. Periodontal maintenance should be performed on the
recommended interval until patient is free of periodontal diseases.
Our office will always irrigate the periodontal pockets with chlorhexidine (a bactericidal
solution) following your periodontal maintenance.
Localized delivery of antimicrobial agent such as Arestin may be necessary during the
periodontal maintenance if localized recurrent or refractory periodontitis is identified by
the dental hygienist.