Before the development of implant dentistry, a fixed bridge, a partial denture, or a
complete denture was the treatment of choice to replacing a missing tooth or teeth. A
fixed bridge often causes patients to lose unnecessary adjacent tooth structures. A
partial denture or a complete denture can be a difficult adjustment for patients that have
lost multiple teeth.
Dental implant is a synthetic structure that is placed in the area of the tooth normally
occupied by the root. Implant is anchored and integrated into the maxilla or the jawbone
acting as a foundation for an artificial tooth or permanent bridge. In some cases,
implants are used to retain and support a fixed or a removable denture.
Not everyone is a candidate for dental implant restorations. For a successful implant to
take hold, a candidate must have quality bone width and depth, as well as good bone
density. All the parameters including health history, medications, and dental occlusion
must be carefully evaluated by an expert restorative dentist and the surgeon prior to
Implants are usually made of a synthetic yet biocompatible material like metal or
ceramic. The quality of an implant differs in the design, the surface technology, and the
quality of the metal. Dental implant restorations are well designed teeth-replacement
options that mimic the look and feel of natural teeth.
A surgical procedure is necessary for the placement of the implant in the mouth.
Following the procedure, a period of time is required for the implant to take hold and for
the bone to integrate with the implant. This healing period varies depending on the
quality and the brand of the implant. For the Straumann implant system that we use,
the implant restoration can be completed after just six weeks of healing time. Like any
restoration, implants require diligent oral hygiene and proper care to ensure they last a
longtime. Our office uses and restores with exclusively the Straumann implant systems,
as they are recognized to be the leader in highest quality implant restorations.
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The Straumann implant that is used in our office is the flagship implant of the
Straumann implant system. It is the only implant system in the market that has a
titanium –zirconia based implant with SLActive surface. This implant is stronger than all
the other competitive leading implants, and it is the only implant than can fully integrate
with the bone in just six weeks with its patterned SLActive surface. The Ti-Zir SLActive
implant by Straumann carries a life time guarantee by the manufacturer Straumann.