Implant Maintenance Procedures
This procedure includes active debriding of the implant(s) and examination of all
aspects of the implant system, including the occlusion and stability of the
superstructure, and tightening of the abutments.
Dental implants are the flagship dental restorations to replace the missing dentition;
however, they are not indestructible. Implants can suffer from Peri-implantitis just like
the natural dentition can suffer from Periodontitis. Implant differs from the natural
dentition, because they are machined out of titanium with very smooth surface. If the
traditional metal dental scalers were used to clean the implants, they will leave the
titanium surface with scratches that the bacteria will adhere on. This will lead to tartar
formation and eventual implant failure. Implant restorations has been around since the
1970s. However, they were not perfected until the late 1990s. Many dentists restore
implants without having a thorough understanding of how to maintain them in the long
run. Many patients that received implant restorations were not properly informed on
how to care for them.
Proper implant maintenance require a specialized disposable ultrasonic tip to be
adopted to the ultrasonic scalers. The dental hygienist will use this ultrasonic scaler to
clean around the implants to prevent damage to the implant structure.